Thursday, December 17, 2009

In which I meet Ina May

INA MAY! Or as I kept calling her, "Ina Effing May!" (Her reply: "Yes, that's me. I'm here!")

She was amazing. Really, her statistics on The Farm are amazing. They have so little incidence of complications, transports, and c-sections. Their c-s rate over thousands of births is 1.5% -- up for .5%! This is from a place that does breech and VBAC and twins regularly.

She credited a good diet. She was all about vegetables (local) and protein. She is a vegan. Also, I'm certain that the woman who go to The Farm are really really committed to natural birth.

She seemed patient and wise -- and obsessed with poop. She talked a lot about Americans having constipation and how our diet is to blame, and how satisfying it feels to have a good poop. Um, yeah. It does, I guess. But other than this blog, it's not something I'm sharing with the world!

However, since she was into talking about poop, I decided to ask her about my particular tummy troubles, to which she replied, "Eat more cheese." No problem, Ina Effing May! She also said that if I get sick, to stop eating until I feel better -- something the gastro doc told me, only after I saw him about 7 times (and paid 7 co-pays) and he explored my colon with a tube.

See? Ina Effing May is WISE, I tell you. She told me all that without going NEAR my colon!

I feel like I'm getting into a groove at the Birth Center. Leigh and I see patients every Wednesday, which is a nice way to break up the week for the kids. They have a day with the sitter, and I have a day not wiping butts -- or, at least, wiping adult butts.

I am thankful for good babysitters. A wonderful woman who lives about 6 minutes away from us watches the children every Wednesday. I also have several back-up sitters, including one woman who homeschools.

Meanwhile, when I'm with the kids, I'm also with 6A, a huge assignment for AAMI. I have worked on it at Plaza Fiesta, Discovery Place, and today I may take it to the library.


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