j'aime manger les hamburger

J'aime mon chien
j'aime faire cuire

You would think that since I love to eat, I have always loved to cook. You would be wrong.
Dustin used to do all the cooking. (Yes, after he worked a 9-hour day followed by an hour commute home, including crossing the border from Mexico back into the States. We also used to have a cleaning lady. I, who weighed nearly 300lbs, sat on the couch and watched TV and ate bon-bons, perpetually pregnant. I was THAT wife.)
But now that I've had my intestines re-arranged, I can't eat bon-bons, there isn't much good TV anymore except for Modern Family and Lost, four children is enough, and I like to cook. Here are a few of my recent pleasures, all courtesy of my favorite website, allrecipes.com
- World's Best Lasagna it was SICK. (And I mean that in the way that all the teenagers use it. Apparently "SICK" is the new little black dress. Not that teenagers wear anything but jeans and hoodies, but I digress.)
- Garlic Cheese Roll-ups actually out beat my favorite processed chicken food in taste. That is saying a lot.
- Chicken Enchiladas putting Taco Bell out of business, one cheese-filled bite at a time.
- Bacon-wrapped hamburgers What could possibly taste better than a burger? A burger wrapped in BACON!
- Amish Breakfast Casserole almost makes me want to bust out a floor-length peasant dress and never have my picture taken again.
I have to give some credit to Leigh, who taught me that any "hydrogenated" ingredient is bad, and took me to Trader Joe's; my therapist for suggesting I watch Food Network; and Dustin* for putting a premium on raw milk, grass-fed beef, and organic chicken and eggs. Thank you.
*At some point I will make your Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Cake that I owe you for your birthday.
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