Friday, August 21, 2009

In which I did something that I honestly didn't remember that midwives do back when I signed up for this!

Guess what I did?

Leigh and I had briefly discussed that I would begin giving injections (using B12 as practice) but I haven't started that yet. Meanwhile, we were with an extremely easygoing client who needed an injection, and she graciously allowed me to shoot her up. Thanks!

Add this to the list of things that I had totally forgotten that midwives do on occasion. People think midwifery is about catching babies but that's just a small part of it. Most of it is about care during pregnancy and postpartum; childbirth is just one day. Although it all seems to come down to that one day!

I'm working on a routine for our days at home so that I can keep my house on the right side of CPS's version of clean, get some school work done (mine), get some school work done (kids), and allow all of us a chance to waste time on the computer enjoy free time. So far it's wake up, brush teeth and get dressed, clean up rooms a little, have breakfast, free time for kids (while I do some school), school time for kids, lunch, quiet time/nap, more learning, clean downstairs, plaaaaaaaaaaaaaay etc dinner husband home. I hope it will work out -- I absolutely need some time during the day for school work; I can't do it all at night. Some nights I have interviews with potential clients, or prenatal visits or postpartum visits.


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