Other than books I'd love the following:

1. A one-handed bp cuff. Oh, to me, that is the height of luxury. Whenever I take blood pressure, I feel like I have two left arms, I'm craning my neck around to read the sphyg, and all the cords are in the way. This one would be so nice.
2. A Littmann stethoscope. My friend Amy works in a hospital and I'm always asking her to steal me one; it seems like they're everywhere. You can hear so clearly with them. I don't even know why I bought my $20 sphyg/stethoscope set, since it's so quiet that I usually use Leigh's (slightly more expensive) set anyway.
3. A Leff fetoscope. It looks like just a regular fetoscope, but it's actually $300. They have really incredible sound quality, and actually block out other noises. They are supposed to actually rival a doppler, which would be fantastic for clients who want to limit u/s exposure. I'd like to try one before purchasing it, but if I really won the lottery, what's $300?
4. A birth stool. This one just looks so comfy and perfect for giving birth. Much better than a toilet.
5. An iPhone. You're thinking, this has nothing to do with midwifery, right? But you're totally wrong! Just check out these applications for it: iPregnancy, OB Patient Tracker, Due Date Calc, Bishops Score Calculator, and Weight Converter. Not to mention the GPS, huge amount of storage space for all my clients' info, and internet. I WILL HAVE ONE!
6. That tree in our backyard. Except $100s on it, instead of $1s (lame!) Although I'd take a few branches of $1s. Beggars can't be choosers, right?
7. While I'm in fantasy mode, a day with more than 24 hours in it (in which I still need only 8 hours of sleep -- or less!) Sometimes it seems like there's more to do than there is time to do it and still see my family. I am definitely starting to see the push-pull of the working mom. On one hand, sometimes I miss my family. On the other hand, I feel that what I'm doing is so important -- for me, and for the women I help, and even for society -- that I need to do it and I need to do it NOW. I cannot wait or put it off til my children are adults.
My midwife has an iPhone and she's a freaking addict, I swear! I heart our iPod touch and it's the same thing sans phone.
That birth stool makes me want to have another baby again, almost. A comfy, fun birthy thing I've never been able to use before!
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